While I am not going to write a book review, not being good at that sort of thing there are three books I'd like to call to your attention all of which are worth reading but which are about as far apart as you can get between themselves. The first and second I haven't even finished reading as of this writing but I recommend them to you even on the parts I have read.
1) SEXUALITY AND HOMOSEXUALITY by Arno Karlen. Publ. by Norton N.Y. 1971 and costs $15.00. It is about 3 inches thick and is a very scholarly investigation into the phenomenon of human sexuality through the ages. I was interviewed by Mr. Karlen about 3 years ago and the interview appears just as it was given. In addi- tion he devotes several pages to the subject of transvestism. Any- one really interested in the field of sexuality should read it despite its length and cost.
I WILL FEAR NO EVIL by Robert Heinlein. A Berkeley paperback Science Fiction book $1.25. Heinlien is one of the real pros of sci- ence fiction and author of the well known Stranger in a Strange Land. This book is up our alley as it involves a future time brain trans- plant from an 80 year old millionaire into the body of his gorgeous and sexy 25 year old blonde secretary who was accidently murdered. As you can imagine learning to live, act, dress, feel and talk like a beautiful 25 year old female is quite a trick. Its interest is increased by the fact that Eunice - the secretary's personality somehow comes along with her body so that there is a lot of intra-cranial conversa- tion between the two of them about the outside world. You'll enjoy it.
3) THE FEMALE EUNUCH by Germaine Greer. I got this in paper- back in England and don't know whether it is available other than hard cover here or not. Those of us who were born males and raised as boys have only a boy's-eye view of girls and women. It seem fit- ting that we ought to have some idea, even if it is only vicariously obtained, of what it is like to be born female and raised as a girl. There is assuredly a lot more to it than most FPs have any idea. I heartily recommend that you read this book and find out what it is really like to be a girl and woman. It can't help but broaden your understanding and I mean no pun by that. This is really a remark- able book analysing as it does just about all the imaginable factors and stages of a girl-woman's life, her apprehension of it and its ef- fect on her.